Imagine working from home stuffing envelopes for years and years? How boring and disastrous! And it takes so little to be independent, both emotionally and financially...
Personal development coaches say that the ability to move forward is really about getting rid of limiting decisions. And limiting decisions show up in our lives because of some deeper misunderstanding within ourselves.
These negative, habitual behaviors exist because something deep down in ourselves needs them to exist. There is a root-cause of everything that happens in life. And it can be changed. The mind, once expanded, will never go back to its previous shape. The difficulty of getting rid of limiting decisions indicates that there is something in our past that frightened us so badly we created all those barriers to protect our well-being. After a while, the mind is so foggy that seeing the true reasons for our misfortunes seems too difficult.
I have been listening to quite a few personal development coaches and have attended several seminars. They can be interesting, but very few are actually worth spending time on. It is a real joy to see a teacher who values individual strength and integrity and enjoys seeing people heal themselves!
Chris Howard is one of those rare individuals.
I attended entrepreneur Chris Howard’s "Breakthrough to Success" and "Wealth Propulsion" weekend seminars in London in 2009. Both have changed my life. It also gave me great joy to see someone with much passion - which characterizes Chris Howard.
The best part about his seminars, and what illustrates his consciousness, is that " Breakthrough to Success" is a free event! and " Wealth propulsion" costs just a little bit. Knowing this, who wants to spend time working from home stuffing envelopes...when the whole world of possibilities is right at your doorstep?

Chris Howard is absolutely fantastic. I attended twice his "Breakthrough to Success" and every time it was a feast for my mind and soul:))
ReplyDeleteIt is incredible that this 3 day long seminar is still offered for free!!
happy to hear this:), world of possibilities is waiting, and we have not even started yet!